Sunday, September 9, 2012

God Spoke To Me Today


The last several years, I have not been trying to grow my relationship with God.  Let's just say it...I have been lazy.  You know, go to church on Easter Sunday, occasionally on Mother's Day and Father's Day, Christmas and that's about it.  I would always talk about it- "We NEED to be back in church".  Sunday morning would come and go and there was always an excuse.  "I forgot to set the alarm".  "I don't have anything to wear".  "I'm just SO tired".  The excuses could go on for days.  The past several weeks, God has really been speaking to me.  It has been so heavy on my heart.  Not only do we NEED to be in church, I WANT to be in church.  I LOVE the feeling I have when I start my week with Sunday services.  I love singing worship songs.  I love praying.  I love seeing others worship our amazing Lord.  So...we jumped back in and I have never felt better! 

I grew up in a small baptist church in Childersburg, AL.  I made so many life-long friends there.  I loved participating in the youth choir and youth activities.  I needed that feeling of love that you can only get from your church family.  We went faithfully, every Sunday morning, night and Wednesday night.  I don't know what happened.  We fell off somewhere and I have always felt a void in my life.  I want my son to grow up just the way that I did.  Going to "Children's Church" and loving every minute of it!  I accepted the Lord into my heart at Vacation Bible School the summer of 1993.  I want Eli to hold the same memories that I hold and cherish.  I want to get back...

Three days ago, while standing in my kitchen, the Lord spoke to me so clearly.  I have always prayed to God to show me my purpose in life.  What was I put on Earth to do?  It was almost as if He was standing there talking with me.  God wants me to be a witness in my own community and help people in need.  Being an RN with home health experience, I have seen first-hand people who have nothing.  No food in the pantry.  Can't afford their medications.  Living conditions that are far worse than most people could ever imagine.  I remember many patients telling me that my 30 minute visit with them was the highlight of their day.  Nobody would visit these precious people.  All they wanted was conversation and to feel like someone cared. 

Did you know that every 3.6 SECONDS, someone dies HUNGRY???  Crazy to think we live in America- the Land of Plenty- and people go hungry.

So...I started praying, asking God HOW???  How am I supposed to help?  Where do I even start?  We just moved to Oklahoma less than a year ago...I don't know anyone.  I don't have any connections.  I asked God to show me what I needed to do.  Low and behold, our service this morning was about helping feed our starving community.  WOW!  I was in tears several times during the service.  They showed clips from our own community.  Precious kids that actually go to bed hungry.  Our church actually participates in a "backpack" ministry.  The church donates snacks that teachers can discretely give to students on Friday afternoon.  They give them to students that would otherwise not have another meal until Monday at school.  This touched my heart.  My family has been blessed- my husband has a great job and we are able to help others...that is exactly what we are going to do.  There is also another ministry that the church wants to get rolling- hot meals delivered once a week to different areas in our community.  They are in desperate need of volunteers.  I CANNOT WAIT TO BE A PART OF THIS!  I gladly signed up to assist with our community outreach.  It's like that service was prepared just for ME.  It was exactly what I needed. 

I urge everyone to help out in your own communities.  Yes, there are people that need our assistance in other countries, but we have people right down the street from us that need us too!  It doesn't have to be a monetary gift.  Give YOURSELF.  Volunteer.  Make time for it.  What a wonderful feeling to help those in need.

The church is also helping with human trafficking, addictions and orphan care in our community.  I am so excited to see what God has planned for my future.  I am so happy to be raising my son in church and to teach him to have a giving heart.  I am even happier that I do it all with my amazing husband by my side.  God truly blessed me with someone who has a pure, caring and giving heart.  Stay tuned to see what the Lord has in store for me and my family! 

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