Thursday, October 15, 2015

3 Year Old Interview

Eli turned 3 in June of this year. I had full intentions of doing an interview with him but the fact that I had a newborn at that time, I just couldn't work it out. I finally got the chance today!  

What is your name? Ewisha Bentwey (Elijah Bentley)
How old are you? Fifty four five
What is your favorite color? Blue
What is your favorite toy? Spider Man
What is your favorite thing to eat? Chick-chick
What is your favorite tv show? Paw Patrol
What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear? Bear shirt
Where do we live? Okamomma (Oklahoma- Eli was born in Tulsa, OK but we currently live in Alabama)
What are your favorite animals? Elephant and giraffe
What does mommy do at work? You have to do stuff 
What does daddy do at work? He works (thank you, captain obvious!)
What is your favorite book? Choo choo (The Little Engine That Could)
What is your favorite thing to outside? Ride my motorcycle
Who is your best friend? Ummm...ummmm...Ms. Tiffany (preschool teacher)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Spider man and Ezzie can be Batman
What is your favorite game to play? Football
What is your favorite thing to take to bed with you? My baby (a silky blankie he has had since birth)
What is your favorite thing to do with mommy? Paint
What is your favorite thing to do with daddy? Play pludough (play dough)
What is your favorite treat? I don't know??  Mac and cheese
What is your favorite movie? Mommy, I already said Paw Patrol 
If you could go anywhere, where would you go? The movie "ater" (the movie theater)
What makes you happy? Mommy and daddy
What makes you sad? Ummm...when my friends hit me in the head (??  Lol!  That would make me sad as well!)
What makes you scared? Monsters
What is your favorite sport? Soccer
What is your favorite ice cream? Banilla chick fil a (plain cup of vanilla)

This was so much fun!  Can't wait to see his answers next year!  

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