Saturday, April 6, 2013

Life's Little Blessings~ Day 7

For the last 7 days, I have been teaming up with Megan for a week's worth of blessings!  It has been so fun to post about the blessings in my life.  I have so many and I feel so unworthy!

Today, I am thankful for Megan!  We met in preschool and were friends from the get-go.  I have pictures from our kindergarten trip to the zoo...we both had on pink and white polka dot outfits!

We have had so many fun times.  One in particular sticks out...getting lost trying to find the "club."  Dragging women out of Hogan's.  That's all I'm saying...Megan, you know what I'm talking about!  LOL!  I'll also never forget our "Sips and Strokes" outings!  MMMM...Morgan Creek Carlos wine.  Yummy!  HA!

We went all through school together.  Preschool through college.  We cheered together in high school.  She was my awesome base!  We were the best... for real!  Ha!  We are both Registered Nurses and we even worked at the same hospital and same department for a while! 

Megan is such a lovable person.  She has such a big heart.  I have so many memories with her.  We both got engaged the same year, 3 months apart.  We got married the same year, 4 months apart! 

I'll never forget the way she told me she was pregnant with both her girls.  With Bella, she drove to my office and gave me a Christmas card.  It was May.  I was confused.  Inside was an ultrasound picture and it explained that I would be an "Aunt" in December!  I was so excited!  With Lucy, she told me at our sisters' Senior Toast before their prom!  She told me in the parking lot and we had such a fun time!  I was the only one that knew.  She was telling her family the next day and didn't want me to find out from someone else.  I literally did cartwheels!  I was thrilled!

She was so supportive during my infertility struggle.  She went with me to my first appointment.  I went to her house one evening and got her to give me a "trigger shot" (aka HCG injection) as part of my infertility plan.  She was sensitive to my feelings and how she told me she was pregnant.  She hurt for me and rejoiced with me when it finally happened. 

She answers the dumbest questions ever from me.  I text her all the time and drive her absolutely crazy, I'm sure. 

She supports me, encourages me, laughs and cries with me.  I totally trust her.  I know she totally trusts me too.  I love her family like it is my family. 

She is my best friend.  We have managed to keep our friendship strong through finishing school, having families and me moving 700 miles away. 

I love you Megan!  Thanks for loving me!

Lindsay's Lingerie Shower
Us with sweet Bella!

Sips and Strokes!  So much fun!

There are those outfits!  Polka dots and stripes!  LOL!

Right after Megan got engaged!  We met up in Alex City for me to see the beautiful ring!

At Lindsay's wedding!

Just before I moved to Oklahoma

Beautiful Megan in my wedding

Beautiful Bella!

The day that I moved to Oklahoma.  Megan came to see us off.

1 comment:

Megan said...

You are amazing! I love you! Thanks for always sticking with me through the thick and thin. You have always supported me and listened to me and loved me no matter how ridiculous I can be. I've always thought you were my most beautiful friend. If everyone only knew how beautiful you are on the inside too! Thanks for being such an awesome friend. Can't wait to see what crazy moments we have between now and our frail and wrinkled days. Love you like crazy!