Thursday, February 14, 2013

8 Months

I'm a little late posting this, but here you go!

Sweet Eli, you are now 8 months old.  You have the best little personality!  Your smile is breathtaking.  You make my heart so happy!  Here is a time line of what new things you are doing.


  9th- you tried peaches for the first time.
13th- you started copying Mommy's movements (tilting your head to the side-so cute!)
15th- you went to the doctor to get your flu shot but you were not feeling well so we decided to wait.  You were 18 pounds 14 ounces!  Big boy!
16th- you picked up a banana puff and put it in your mouth!  You also said "Mama" 3 times!  You got your first bruise today.  You were pulling up on the changing table and bumped your left cheek.  It bruised immediately.  I cried and called your Dad to tell him what a terrible Mother I was!  I felt so guilty.  You only cried for a minute.
18th- you ate cheddar crunchies and yogurt melts for the first time and loved them!
19th- you went to the Tulsa Zoo for the first time!  It was such a pretty day.  We spent all afternoon there.
20th- you said "Mama" all day long!  You also started pulling up on everything and letting go, standing by yourself for a few seconds!
30th- your first tooth!  It's still not out very far but I can hear it when you chew on everything!


 3rd- you give kisses when we ask you to!  They are very wet, slobbery kisses and I LOVE THEM!
 5th- you started rolling your toy cars around on the floor.  You are definitely all boy!

 As I am typing this, you are crawling all around your room, pulling up on everything and dragging toys out of your toy box.  I can't believe we are at this point!  Seems like we just came home from the hospital and you just stayed in whatever position I put you!  Not so much now!

You have started to sit up in the bathtub like a big boy!  You crash your toy cars into the walls like a true boy!  You push the button on your toy elephant, that blows air out of it's trunk, and let the air blow in your face. You love to stand up in front of the long windows in your room and look outside.  You do this every morning.  You love watching the cars go by and watching construction workers across the street.

Eli, you make our lives complete.  We love you with all of our hearts.  I can't believe I'm already thinking about your first birthday party!  You are growing up way too fast!  Can't wait to see what new things you learn in the next month!  You are such a smart boy!  Love you to infinity and beyond!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this so much! He is growing so fast!